Senin, 25 November 2024

First Time Naik Scoot dari Jakarta ke Tokyo

 Mau story time dulu dari firstimer pake scoot

Tau ga sih taglinenya apa? The budget airlines of singapore airlines WKWKWKWK ngekek bgttttt. They're so proud with their mom. As they should sihhhh. 

Anywayyy, tahun lalu ke Jepangnya pake ANA which is full service airlines terus tahun ini karena dananya terbatas dan kemarin lihat scoot diskon jadi PP 3jtan aja langsung di gas aja. And surprisinglyyyy, enak banget penerbangannya. Yang beda sama ANA i would say cm servicenya (ya namanya full service sm budget, duh), kalo pesawat legroom dllnya ga beda jauh sih. Even jendelanya yg pake pencetan itu bukan yg ditarik. Paham ga sih maksudnya wkwkwkw

Pas dari jkt - sin pakenya A320 atau A320 neo ya lupa. Ya standard kayak airasia juga pake A320. Kursinya lumayan empuk. Leg roomnya cukup kalo buat aku yg 150cm🤭

Dari sin - tokyo pakenya Boeing 787-dreamliner. Seat confignya 333. Bagian paling epic nya adalah aku sama thaya dapet row terakhir which is 42 dan kursinya cuma 2 dan headrest bisanya ditekuk. Padahal yang lain enggak even row tengah yang di sebelah kita. 

Karena kita red eye flight sih gaada entertainment ga masalah karena cuma tidur sepanjang flight. Dan bangun2 udah lihat sunrise. 

Oh btw, pilotnya supirannya enak banget sih alus dan ga naik turun. Even pas take off sama pas landing sangat smoothhhh. Cuma karena weather jd turbulence cukup kenceng pas mau descend. Tapi karena dulu pas pake ANA jg turbulence pas mau sampe jadi berasa emg ini kalo landing di Tokyo akan selalu turbulence. Sayangnya pas dari sg - tokyo delay karena katanya full pesawatnya dan perlu dihitung manual (don't know what that means) tp jadi delay sekitar 1jam.

Baliknya, pesawatnya sama sih. Cuma karena flight pagi dan bakal seharian di pesawat dan belum sarapan jadi kita pesen makanan di pesawat. For the first time ever sih kalo aku. Makanannya sih lebih enak ANA (y gmn y bund)🙏🙏 nasinya agak keras tapi brownies sm cookiesnya enakkkkk🥹🥹

Gatau ini tu emg Japanese hospitality atau grupnya Singapore Airlines emang hospitalitynya bagus tapi mereka sangat helpful dan sweet. Ketemu mas-mas indo pas di check in counter dan dia penempatannya di Jepang dan dia kerjanya di Scoot like???? WHAT A DREAM???? 

Overall it's a smooth ride sih. Eh pas sampe deket filipin tapi sempet muter sih dikit karena ada topan. Tapi surprisingly bahkan ga turbulence sama sekaliiiii lebih banyak turbulence yg pas mau landing di Narita. Dari SG - JKT juga smooth padahal mendung gelap. 

Rabu, 19 Juli 2023

A Conversation With You

They say some place reminds you of someone.  Who they are -well- is unclear. But what i know to be very true is this whole damn city reminds me of you. 

Those casual night out, berburu ayam goreng dan nasi uduk paling enak di Jakarta. Dari Jakarta Barat sampai Jakarta Timur. Ayam goreng kesayangan penulis favoritku, which easily becomes my favorite too. But not according to your liking. Too many recommendations we didn’t get to try. 

That long drive from Blok M to Kelapa Gading, just because we didn’t ready to say goodbye to the day. And said we craved for ice cream. I hated the cream, you know. But I love the drive. I love those long drives, even the one before that. Remember when I had to have Mie Kangkung on the Wild Wild West? or the ones before. Just silently hoping I could wrap my arms around you. But I never did. I didn’t have the courage. 

Because, even after two and half years, countless dinners and lunches and breakfast, we never became anything. I guess having someone to share a meal with was enough. It was enough. 

Who would’ve thought that the Cikini night would become our goodbye. Now that I think of it, I was ready to let you go that night. I’m just, I’m not brave enough to ask you. 

What I didn’t tell you was, I still remember every conversations, every little detail, every roads and every places we’ve been to like it was yesterday. So tell me, what should I do to forget you?

This town, this town holds too much of a memory of us.

I guess now the cycle is finally complete. We were once a stranger, then a friend, then I don’t know what we are, and now a stranger. 

Selasa, 19 April 2022

I was dreaming… about you

 I was dreaming about him. 

Day..dreaming about him. Not that sweet, romantic, innocent kinda dream. It was hot, steamy but (still) romantic. 

I was talking to my work partner when he suddenly sleep in front of my home window. (Hey, who said dreams should be logical and place and time coherent as well?). His lashes are just as long and beautiful as I remember it. His lips smiled a little. And he still has that bushy beard. I looked at him through the window, he didn’t notice. I smiled. My work partner smiled at me. As I was going to take picture of him sleeping, he opened his eyes. My work partner just turned on the light of my room. I put my phone down, rushed. He smiled at me, making fun of me saying that I liked him. So, I playfully hit him with blanket and rushed back to my room. He smiled again then went back to sleep, I managed to snap some picture of him peacefully sleeping. When he woke up, I crossed him in front of the door. As I was trying to make karate move he grabbed me by my body like a hug, I was unable to move. I was trying to step on his foot and desperately saying “Can I at least move a little?” He said “okay” then he lifted me like he was trying to smack me down. As I was desperately praying for my life, he kissed me. By my mouth. His lips caught me by surprised. It wasn’t just once, he kissed my three times. When he let go, I grabbed his hand as i said, “you can’t just leave after that”. Then I woke up.

I’d never knew.